"A Swim in a Pond in the Rain: In Which Four Russians Give a Master Class on Writing, Readering, and Life," George Saunders
Paris Review interviews with authors
"A Swim in a Pond in the Rain: In Which Four Russians Give a Master Class on Writing, Readering, and Life," George Saunders
Paris Review interviews with authors
"Writing Past Dark: Envy, Fear, Distraction, and Other Dilemmas in the Writer's Life," Bonnie Friedman
"Letters to a Young Poet," Rainer Maria Rilke
"Letters to a Young Artist: Straight-Up Advice on Making a Life in the Arts-For Actors, Performers, Writers, and Artists of Every Kind," Anna Deavere Smith
"A New Year Brings Fresh Author Envy," Nancy Johnson
"Shitty First Drafts," Anne Lamott
Jane Friedman: publishing & marketing advice & links
Manuscript Wish List (what agents and editors want)
And, if you want to contact a small publisher directly:
Community of Literary Magazines and Presses directory
Six steps to get your query letter to an agent out of of the slush pile
"I Remember," Joe Brainard (imitate his lists)
"The Artist's Way: A Spritual Path to Higher Creativity," Julia Cameron
"Writing Down the Bones," Natalie Goldberg
"Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life," Anne Lamott
"Writing for Your Life: Discovering the Story of Your Life's Journey," Deena Metzger
"On Keeping a Notebook," Joan Didion
"Plain and Simple: A Journey to the Amish," Sue Bender
"The Gift: How the Creative Spirit Transforms the World," Lewis Hyde
"Fascinated to Presume: In Defense of Fiction," Zadie Smith
City of Chicago Dept. of Cultural Affairs and Special Events
Illinois Arts Council
National Endowment for the Arts writing fellowships; translation fellowships; list of state & regional arts councils
How to Organize Your Work & Your Life, Robert Moskowitz
The Now Habit: A Strategic Program for Overcoming Procrastination & Enjoying Guilt-Free Play, Neil Fiore
Live video: London Writers' Salon free Zoom write-alongs four times a day, five days a week
Online resources:
Freedom distraction blocker
Time-management apps & other resources for ADHD adults
32 Tools and Apps Freelance Writers Swear By
15-minute meditation for anxiety--Yoga with Adriene
20-Minute Guided Meditation for Reducing Anxiety and Stress--Clear the Clutter to Calm Down
30 minutes de yoga pour débutant (en français)
Guided meditations in English y español & many other languages, UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center
Om chanting that I like for concentration
Wellness Series, U of Chicago: Pilates, yoga, meditation
Chicago Live Lit calendar
Chicago Poetry Center
Guild Complex multicultural literary arts organization
Our Chapter (wimmin)
Inner-City Muslim Action Network: Arts & Culture
Rebuild Foundation Stony Island Arts Bank
University of Chicago Arts + Public Life