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Woman with curly hair and T-shirt that says "Jewish Labor Committee"




I read joke books as a child. Readers say they relate to my angsty way of moving through the world. My usual topics are breath, blood, cancer, Jews, Texas, history, Freud, women's bodies, me. 



2pm, Saturday, January 18, 2025, Chicago, Printers Row Wine Bar, 719 S. Dearborn St.; READINGS series hosted by Maud Lavin, with Noa Micaela Fields, Kitty Ross, Renee Agatep, Joy Young & Sam Herschel Wein. FREE.


12:10-1:25pm Pacific, Friday, March 28, 2025,  Association of Writers & Writing Programs panel, Los Angeles Convention Center, Level Two, room 407, "Beyond Translation: Two Writers, Two Languages"with Michael Warr, Silvia Goldman, Mary Hawley, and Chun Yu


Spring, Santa Fe, NM, tba



"Collaborating with S.L. Wisenberg on the panel, 'Storytelling and humor as strategy of "survivance"' was such a pleasure! She kept the needs of the audience in mind and gave a presentation that was funny and well researched. The audience members were eager to participate, thanks to her welcoming demeanor and wry sense of humor." Gayle Levy, associate professor of French, University of Missouri-Kansas City